Name: Vanya McCarthy

Results: "€100k in 12 months Whilst Mothering a 1, 3 + 5 year old"

Name: Sarah Atherton

Results: "From ZERO to 50 Stages (and Doubling Revenue in 2 Years)"

Name: Beth & Mel Holland-Banks

Results: "We Both Left Our Corporate Careers in 6 Months & Scaled to £40k Per Month"

Name: Sian Howarth

Results: "From Council Worker to £100k in 14 Months!"

Name: Katrina McNicholl

Results: "Maternity Leave TO £25K MONTHS and Hiring Her Mum (and 3 others) in 12 Months"

Name: Sheelagh Wright

Results: "From Interior Designer to Property Stager Scaling to £15k Months"

"I launched my business in December. Within 4 days, I had already 3 homes to Stage"
"We didn't get any sales in the first 6 months of launching our business, 1 month into this course, we got our first sale"
"This course is INVALUABLE"
"This course is INVALUABLE"
"I launched my business in December. Within 4 days, I had already 3 homes to Stage"
"We didn't get any sales in the first 6 months of launching our business, 1 month into this course, we got our first sale"
"This course is INVALUABLE"
"This course is INVALUABLE"
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